Monday, November 28, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 12

Day 13, Friday:

Wide awake and ready to greet the day at 4:30am!

Grilled Chicken for breakfast?  ok!

Looks pretty yummy!

Spending a few minutes fishing, then going to collect some crystals again to hopefully get enough simoleons to build a house before work on Sunday!!!

Oh goodie!!  The chicken is still good!!! Isabella is getting some lady chatting in at the same time!

Freshening up again!

Fishing again! Caught a total 3 Violins so excited we already sold 2!! LOL

Only need 23 Simoleons to be able to build our house and Isabella stops fishing and finds a hot dog to eat!  

Looks like the house will have to wait till next time, it's already 1:39am and she's too uncomfortable to do anything!!

Accomplishments and Progress for today:

Active Collections:
Crystals:  1 new Crystal

 Fish:  1 New Fish
Aspiration Progress:
Level 7 in Fishing Skill, and the last tier of her aspiration!!

Work Progress:
No work today, Day off!

9,977  SO CLOSE!!!!!

Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!

Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel. Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J

Sims 3 Page:

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