Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 03

Day 3 & 4:

Isabella woke up while it was still quite dark and had to run to the park to find food!  Nobody left anything behind, so she grilled up some hamburgers.

Eating a burger totally oblivious to the bugs flying around! :) 

Still a little hungry, Isabella grabs a 2nd burger.  Leaving the leftovers for someone in need. :)

Over to the gym to have a quick shower so she can hopefully get in some fishing before work!

Fishing in a pond in Windenburg.

Beautiful Scenery.

She's got one!

Isabella barely made it to work, she came home exhausted & went right to sleep!  Good night Isabella!

Accomplishments and Progress of Day  3 & 4, Tuesday & Wednesday:

Aspiration 1st Milestone Progress:

Aspiration 2nd Milestone Progress:
Fish for 1 of 10 Total hours
Mount 2 of 5 Fish
Achieve Level 3 of 4 fishing skill

Work Progress:

Performance increase, no raise or promotion.



Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember:  Jesus loves you!


Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel.  Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J
Sims 3 Page:

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