Friday, November 11, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 01

Welcome to The Sims 4 Ultimate Sim Challenge!!  I am SO excited to do this challenge, it might be my favorite one ever!  I decided to do this challenge in Blog Story form since it is a really LONG challenge.  I can do more frequent episodes here than on youtube.

Basically, my sim will be living forever, with the aid of the "Potion of Youth", and doing everything a sim could possibly do, with the exception of a few things I will skip.  We will be on a journey from rags to riches, starting with basically nothing and aspiring to be a millionaire, multi-business owner tycoon! :)    

Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel.  Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:

Ok, let's meet our Ultimate Sim,  Isabella Blue! She is a young adult.  Her traits are: Ambitious, Bookworm, Loves Outdoors, and her extra trait from her Aspiration is Collector, and her aspiration is to be an Angling Ace.

For my challenge, I am not letting Isabella buy anything except food until she has saved up 10,000 Simoleons.  It will be a huge struggle, but after she has her beautiful home built, she will most likely never have to struggle again! :)

Isabella gets to start out with a tent to sleep in, a bush for bladder relief and 100 Simoleons.   She has to keep ALL rewards from work, no selling for money.  :)  She will be living in Oasis Springs

Isabella will start with the Writer's Career.

So let's follow Isabella as she begins her journey!

Going to the Desert Bloom Park in Oasis Springs to read some books so she can complete her work tasks.

Work tasks completed, Isabella is at the parks' fishing spot to catch some fish for her aspiration.

Yay! Isabella has levelled up to 2 in her Fishing Skill and caught a Bass!

Isabella spots a plate of Baked Potatoes by a young girl she is too shy to meet, but hunger causes her to sit down and dig in!

She's really gotta go!! She does the potty shuffle to the public restroom!

Much better!  Isabella is starting to feel like she needs some socialization, "who can I talk to?"

Isabella finds a table with a couple people and sits down and introduces herself.  She meets Wolfgang Munch and Alexander Goth.

Luna Villareal sits down to join in the conversation.  

Taking a moment to gaze on the beauty of the stars.

Home Sweet Tent! LOL  Isabella is asleep in her tent for the night!

Accomplishments and Progress of Day 1, Sunday:

Aspiration 1st Milestone Progress:

Caught 2 of 5 Fish
Fished at 1 of 3 Locations

Work Progress:

Daily Task:  Read Books COMPLETE


100  (None lost or gained)

Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember:  Jesus loves you!


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J
Sims 3 Page:

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