Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sims 3 - Random Personal Game - Hoarder Thief

Sims 3 - Random Personal Game - Hoarder Thief

Thank you for stopping by!!  I hope you enjoy this episode!!

God Bless you,

--**-- Sims included --**--
Kristal Schaefer

Cat: Poppy Schaefer

--**-- Find me in other places --**--
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J
Sims 3 Page:
Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J

--**-- Music --**--
Music for Intro and Outro is Free Music  from the YouTube Audio Library: The Bluest Star The 126ers

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 13

Day 14, Saturday:

Oops!! Isabella passed out before I could get her to bed!

Isabella is in desperate need of a hot shower, but she's going to nap here then dig up that gem in the back so she can build her house!!! 

Hurray!!!!!! Isabella can now travel HOME to her lot and build a house!!! She is excited, even though she is uncomfortable!!  ;)

Isabella's new home!!  

All her items from her career must be kept. So she set up her computer, her comfy chair and her picture from work.  I wanted to have a few spare simoleons for when the bills come in, so we only "finished" the outside walls.  We still need landscaping, and inside is still in need of wallcoverings, etc.  But she has everything she needs to be happy & comfy now!! :) 

First time in her OWN SHOWER!! Woot woot!

Sleeping in a REAL bed!!!

Making food in her own kitchen.  Isabella is VERY excited!

Eating in her comfy chair! :)

I put all her mounted fish on the wall, we will get rid of them after the collection is complete.

Isabella is very excited to cook on her own stove in her own home!!  Frying up some grilled cheese! 

Good Night Isabella! See you in the morning for work!

Accomplishments and Progress for today:

Active Collections:
Crystals: No new crystals today. 

Fishing: No new fish today.

Aspiration Progress:
No progress today.

Work Progress:
No Work today.

1,046 After building a home! :)

Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!

Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel. Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J

Sims 3 Page:

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 12

Day 13, Friday:

Wide awake and ready to greet the day at 4:30am!

Grilled Chicken for breakfast?  ok!

Looks pretty yummy!

Spending a few minutes fishing, then going to collect some crystals again to hopefully get enough simoleons to build a house before work on Sunday!!!

Oh goodie!!  The chicken is still good!!! Isabella is getting some lady chatting in at the same time!

Freshening up again!

Fishing again! Caught a total 3 Violins so excited we already sold 2!! LOL

Only need 23 Simoleons to be able to build our house and Isabella stops fishing and finds a hot dog to eat!  

Looks like the house will have to wait till next time, it's already 1:39am and she's too uncomfortable to do anything!!

Accomplishments and Progress for today:

Active Collections:
Crystals:  1 new Crystal

 Fish:  1 New Fish
Aspiration Progress:
Level 7 in Fishing Skill, and the last tier of her aspiration!!

Work Progress:
No work today, Day off!

9,977  SO CLOSE!!!!!

Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!

Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel. Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J

Sims 3 Page:

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 11

Day 12, Thursday:

Time to wake up Isabella! It's 11am!!  

Lets get a few crystals before we find some food!

Freshening up a little!

Yippeeee! Free baked potatoes!! Thank you Alisha!!

Friendly conversation over dinner.

So tired after all the digging and visiting.  Going to sleep at 7:30PM! 

Accomplishments and Progress for today:

Active Collections:
2 New Crystals
No Fishing Today

Aspiration Progress:
No Fishing Today

Work Progress:
Vacation Day!


Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!

Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel. Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J

Sims 3 Page:

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sims 3 - CHALLENGE: Mooch to Millionaire: Episode 20

Thank you for stopping by!!  I hope you enjoy this episode!!

God Bless you,

--**-- Sims included --**--
Devin Wakefield
Daisy Wakefield

Dog:  Cashew

--**-- Find me in other places --**--
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J
Sims 3 Page:
Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J

Rules for This Challenge:

Inspiration for this challenge:
Kimberly - Sockbunny Sims - Dumpster Diving Challenge:

Printable Dumpster Diving Tracking Sheet:

--**-- Quote of the Day --**--

"I'd rather be a failure in something that I love, than a success in something that I hate. 
- George Burns"

To find more quotes of the day:

--**-- Music --**--
Music for Intro and Outro is Free Music  from the YouTube Audio Library: The Bluest Star The 126ers

CleanSimmer is sponsored by:

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sims 3 - Adventures With Fluffy: Episode 01

One day Fluffy asked her mommy to teach her to hunt.  

Fluffy learned very fast because she was very smart!  Already at Level 2 of hunting!  :)

Fluffy ventures out to try out her new hunting skills.  

She finds a nice gem right away!!

 But wait! What is that!? A Unicorn!?  

Fluffy is so excited to meet a real unicorn!!!

The moon was bright and Fluffy and the Unicorn were howling together. It was very exciting for Fluffy!  Apparently, the Unicorn was looking for  ...  a ... parrot? 

It must be a tricky Unicorn, look at what she did to Fluffy!! 

Suddenly a rainbow appears and the Unicorn soon disappears!

Fluffy runs home and shows Mommy the gem she found!

Oh the life! Fluffy gets a belly rub.

Being brushed

Fluffy decides to get some sleep after all that hunting and unicorn excitement!!  She might be hungry because she's dreaming about Turkey!! :)

Good night Fluffy! 

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!
Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J

Origin: Shannon4J

EA: Shannon4J

Sims 3 Page:

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Sims 4 - Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 10

Day 11, Wednesday:

Good Morning Isabella! No job today!!  Fishing and digging crystals is the plan! :)  But first off to get some food and take care of personal needs! :)

Nice hot shower at the gym and Isabella is ready to hunt down a meal! :)  Oh Look! Hamburgers and some lady chat time! :)  Isabella meets Kathleen Jaeger.

Clara Bjergsen stopped over to eat and chat as well!

Digging up some crystals next to home.

Home to organize the crystals.  Reading her Fluffy book to raise her fun level!

Isabella didn't find any new crystals, but she found this creepy voo doo doll!  ick! But she sold it for 950 simoleons! Woot!!

Fishing at the park!

Caught a cowplant berry.  Using it as bait!

Nice log!  Guess that's what wanted to eat the cowplant berry! LOL

Nice Bass Isabella!!  :)

Isabella spotted Jacques Villareal making some Hot Dogs on the grill and ran over to help him eat some! :)  

Trying another fishing spot at the park before pitching the tent for the night!

Level 6 Fishing Skill! Way to go Isabella!! 

Little goldfish teasing Isabella by jumping in the water near her bobber! 

Calling off work for today.  Isabella wants to get every one of her paid vacation days before she moves on to the next career.
Good night Isabella! (Even though it's 6:30am)  She's pitching her tent in the park so she can wake up & get right to eating and fishing & crystal digging!  

Accomplishments and Progress for today:

Active Collections:
Crystals:  No new Crystals
Fish: 4 new fish!

Aspiration Progress:
Level 6 in Fishing Skill! :)

Work Progress:
Day off Today :)

6,206   More than 1/2 way to building a house!! Woot woot!! :)

Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!

Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel. Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J

Sims 3 Page: