Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Sims 4 Ultimate Sim Challenge: Season 01 - Episode 18

Thank you for stopping by!!  I hope you enjoy this episode!!

God Bless you,

Day 22 & 23, Sunday & Monday

Having some breakfast, ready for a big day on her vacation day! :)

A little catching up on cleaning. 

Isabella is so happy to have some time off, look at that smile as she is about to wash dishes! :)

Playing some Blicblock to get her fun up.

Getting those work tasks done!

Then her computer broke, so she decided to play some chess to increase her logic skill! 

3:30 am Isabella is in bed for the night!

Gotta pay those bills!

A little chat with a co-worker to build up the relationship for work performance! And get some social at the same time!

I guess she needed a break from work because she grabbed a glass of water and ran outside! :)

Guess I'll do the dishes while Isabella sleeps!

I was hoping for more progress, but her work tasks dominated the 2 days.  Hopefully Tuesday Isabella can get in some fishing at a new place! :)

Accomplishments and Progress for today:

Active Collections:

Aspiration Progress:

Work Progress:

Daily Work Tasks, pretty productive!


Let me know in the comments if you are joining me in this challenge! I'd love to hear from you!

God Bless you & always remember: Jesus loves you!


Where I got the idea:

My friend Kimberly, started this challenge in August 2016 on her channel. Her youtube channel is SockBunny Sims and can be found here:

You can find her Ultimate Sim Challenge here:


--**-- Find me in other places --**--
Origin: Shannon4J
EA: Shannon4J
Sims 3 Page:
Sims 4 Gallery: Shannon4J
Snapchat: Shannon4J For your daily dose of random silliness! ;)

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